Meal time away from home with your little one doesn’t have to be stressful or unpleasant!! Today’s families are busy and on the go. Having dinner in the comforts of your home everyday isn’t always possible. ciao! baby is a practical solution that will make mealtime enjoyable and manageable. We recommend bringing a few healthy snacks or your child’s favorite book or toy for before dinner in case your have to wait for your table or your food Life is always easier when baby is relaxed and happy.
Taking your own highchair to a restaurant also ensures cleanliness. Some public high chairs may not be the most sanitary place for your child. No matter where you are, ciao! baby can make your little one more secure and comfortable! Our high chair sits at table level. It’s perfect for restaurants because you can sit and look right at baby while feeding them.
If you are picnicking in the park, throw in Hoopman portable basketball goal. After lunch, the little ones can get some exercise!